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Daviess County Library

Other Services

Other Services at the library

Daviess County Library offers a multitude of other services and materials to our patrons than just books and computer access!  In fact, did you know you can borrow NASA telescopes and science kits from the library? Or Early Literacy bins with expertly curated learning programs and guidance for your toddler? Or an Alzheimer's Resource box for those visits to your elderly friend or family member who is struggling with this horrid disorder? 

And there is more!  We have 6 Chromebooks for use in the library when you want to work somewhere quiet and away from the public computer stations; 4 Chromebooks for take-home lending; 12 hot-spots for take-home lending; a new portable book scanner that scans your old Bibles or photo albums to searchable pdf files...for take-home lending, too!

The library offers daily computer/technology help, no appointment necessary.  Need a little help setting up your computer, phone or tablet, or figuring out how to download our Libby and Boundless reading apps, join us Monday - Friday from noon-1pm for walk-in technology hour.

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Newest Resources!


Blackstone Unlimited

Auto Repair Resources

NoveList Plus

NoveList Plus K-8

Teen Health and Wellness Button

NW Health Services

Resource Spotlight

Pronounciator Button
A fun and free way to learn any of 163 languages with Personalized Courses, movies, music, and more. With an average of 9,500 instructional phrases per language and 20,000 instructional videos for American Sign Language.

Homeschool Resources

Families for Home Education, the oldest and largest statewide home school organization in Missouri, has been serving Missouri home educators since 1983. FHE is comprised of members – you, not just a board and staff. The purpose of FHE is to protect the inalienable right of the parents of Missouri to teach their own children without further state regulation and control.  Click above for the Getting Started Checklist.