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Daviess County Library

How Do I ...

An online help guide for using the Library.
  • Get a Library Card?

    Learn how to get a library card.

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  • Access eBooks & Audiobooks?

    Learn how to access and use eBooks and Audiobooks.

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  • Access the Catalog

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  • Reserve the Community Room?

    Learn how to reserve the library's community room.

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  • Search for Library Materials

    Search for Library Materials Button


    Missouri Libraries 2 Go Button


    EBSCO eBooks Button

    Newest Resources!


    Blackstone Unlimited

    Auto Repair Resources

    NoveList Plus

    NoveList Plus K-8

    Teen Health and Wellness Button

    NW Health Services

    Resource Spotlight

    Pronounciator Button
    A fun and free way to learn any of 163 languages with Personalized Courses, movies, music, and more. With an average of 9,500 instructional phrases per language and 20,000 instructional videos for American Sign Language.

    Homeschool Resources

    Families for Home Education, the oldest and largest statewide home school organization in Missouri, has been serving Missouri home educators since 1983. FHE is comprised of members – you, not just a board and staff. The purpose of FHE is to protect the inalienable right of the parents of Missouri to teach their own children without further state regulation and control.  Click above for the Getting Started Checklist.