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Daviess County Library

Photo & Media Release Form

We respect your privacy and wishes. Please complete the following form to either grant or refuse photography/videography at our library events.

We request permission to photograph you at our events to use for purposes of grant reporting and promotion of the library on our social media pages and this website. Names will be withheld in all reports and promotions unless specifically requested, ie. newspaper articles with photos.

Children under age 18 require a parent/guardian permission form allowing photographs and video to be used only by the library for reports and promotions on its website, social media, and print media. Please complete the form below with your name and/or names and ages of all minor children for whom you are parent or official guardian.

Your Age   Please complete with age of person signing this form.
/ /  
Submit   By selecting "Submit" you are formally allowing photography/videography by the library staff &/or representatives.

All questions or concerns may be directed to the library director at 660-663-3222. Thank you.

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A fun and free way to learn any of 163 languages with Personalized Courses, movies, music, and more. With an average of 9,500 instructional phrases per language and 20,000 instructional videos for American Sign Language.

Homeschool Resources

Families for Home Education, the oldest and largest statewide home school organization in Missouri, has been serving Missouri home educators since 1983. FHE is comprised of members – you, not just a board and staff. The purpose of FHE is to protect the inalienable right of the parents of Missouri to teach their own children without further state regulation and control.  Click above for the Getting Started Checklist.